Wednesday, April 28, 2010

jEdit's - Replicating installations

Suppose that you already have an installation containing your plugins and configurations.
If you desire to replicate this installation to another machine, for instance a virtual machine, without having to do everything again, there is an alternative that works well if the new installation has the same path of the old. If not, some path adjustments may be necessary according to your environment.

1. Install jEdit as usually.
2. Copy the jEdit's user configurations under .jEdit folder overwriting the content of the respective .jEdit folder of the new installation.
For instance, on Vista you find .jEdit folder configuration under C:\Users\User_Login\.jedit, and on XP under C:\Documents and Settings.
3. Copy the full content under the INSTALL_DIR/jEdit, overwriting the full content of the respective INSTALL_DIR/JEdit of the new installation.

It's ready to run.
I use this procedure to replicate my jEdit's intallations on virtual machines.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

jEdit full plugin installation - getting through

I got 3 problems from a full plugin installation using jEdit version 4.3.1:

#1 - "Cannot run global"

If a "A Cannot run global" message keeps poping up after installing all plugins, then uninstall the 'GlobalPlugin'.
To remove it, use the Plugin Manager and restart jEdit.

#2 - Error message "Class or variable not found: p4plugin.P4FileInfo"

Sourced file: inline evaluation of: 'new p4plugin.P4FileInfo(); ...
Class or variable not found: p4plugin.P4FileInfo ...

To solve this, I tried to find p4plugin and remove it, but the Plugin Manager didn't show the respective plugin as p4Plugin.
After other attempts, the solution was the manual deletion of the respective jar (INSTALL_DIR/jEdit/jars/P4Plugin-0.3.1.jar), because the Plugin Manager couldn't help.

#3 - Some plugins failed

Some plugins didn't install successfully. Just 4 of them.
So, I removed them using the "Plugin Manager".

Check the status of the plugins after any installation.
If someone shows any kind of error status, remove it or try to install again.

These procedures permitted me to perform a successful (almost) full plugin installation at one step, although it's not advisable.

eclipse: java: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" or Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder

  >PROBLEM Using Eclipse, you try to run a simple logging test using "org.slf4j.Logger" like the sample below: package Test; im...