Thursday, September 22, 2011

Software Tips - Sharing with you what It works for me! :)

Today we need zillions of tools to handle our tasks on the digital world.
Without them, we're really out, dead or get mad.

If you just like those kind of original stuff that comes with your operational system, these tips are not for you, but if you're the kind like me that is always searching a way to improve your system handling, here you're gonna find some shared direct experience that it was pretty useful and successful for me on Windows and Linux.

Sorry, but I am out of Mac just because I have no time to add a new environment to my private network for now, but who knows!...  Anyway, If you are a Mac fan, you're welcome too. Just ask me to add a link here to your blog or web page with the same subject of this one, of course.  : )

This a dynamic page, which can be updated at any time, when new information comes out.

For today, I'm gonna comment about the most used ones for myself, because other way, I'd have to spend all the week here.  
I really love software, and it couldn't be different - I'm a system analyst. 

Don't think that every software commented here is error free.
Just God is error free.
Nevertheless, their bugs don't avoid having an excellent performance on general handling.

Here we go!

File Exploring 
If you use Windows Explorer then  try xplorer2 .
At first sight, it's like getting into a jet dashboard.
Much more powerful. Just a question of getting accustomed to it.
You'll navigate much faster on your directories.
There is a prior free version for 32-bit systems named 2xplorer.
It's simpler but still pretty good.

File Download
Super important. We download something all time, but if you have a list of things to download, try JDownloader.
It's free and works pretty well.
There are many features.
You can select a raw text containing links, press Ctrl+U to add the text and the application filters the existent links. It also has excellent support for plugins. If you are registered on file hosting sites, like rapidshare, hotfiles, etc., your premium account can be added, and so on.

Stream and Web Stuff Download
Try JCopia.
Capture flash video and audio from any website to your computer
Have you ever thought how to download video and audio from flash players on internet sites like Youtube, Google Video, MySpace, DailyMotion, Metacafe, Break, Blog sites of your friends with embedded audio and video content and so on?
That's it. It captures, saves and play online media.
It's possible to get a free copy. Email or contact at facebook.


A simple software to use with "print screen".
Fast, light and practical.
I love it when creating documentation on HTML.

A more sophisticated one?
Go to gimp .
This software is so "classic" that I feel uncomfortable to comment.
Not necessary.  : )

Of course there other good ones.
You can add your comment here. Welcome.

Have fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Máquina Lenta

Hoje, diante de uma máquina lenta, onde tudo que parecia poder ter sido feito já fora, resolvi olhar o espaço disponível em disco da partição C.
Estava no limite.
Redimensionei a partição C: aumentando-a em 20GB, utilizando o aplicativo EASYUS partition tool
(http:/, versão HOME (gratuita ).


A ferramenta deixou ótima impressão, tanto na apresentação de interface quando no desempenho.
Para realizar a tarefa, antes era necessário deletar outra partição para liberar espaço para uma partição de dados "D:", que então
seria movida (250GB), ocupando o espaço liberado, e finalmente deixar espaço livre para o redimensionamento de C:.

Muitos dados, embora com backup, a questão é tempo.

O resultado final foi que a máquina retornou à agilidade que deveria ter.
O problema era que, sem espaço em disco, o SO fica com pouco espaço para manejar os arquivos temporários e memória cache.

Como a máquina era um nó de rede também servidor de dados, todas as outras que a utilizavam, por conseguinte, também ficaram mais
rápidas, já que os mapeamentos locais de rede dependem da velocidade da máquina mapeada.

Tudo resolvido em poucos minutos.

Gostei do EASYUS.

Máquina lenta? Já gastou sua munição de soluções?
Tente ampliar o espaço disponível na partição C:.

eclipse: java: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" or Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder

  >PROBLEM Using Eclipse, you try to run a simple logging test using "org.slf4j.Logger" like the sample below: package Test; im...