Thursday, August 2, 2012

Migrating 32-bit applications to debian 6 (squeeze)

When I was migrating my environment from debian 5 (lenny), a 32 bit version, to debian 6 (64-bit), I got some issues.

Adobe reader failed to install completely.

The SciTE editor installation was successful, except that the integration with "lua" language did not work. After adding the configuration on /usr/share/scite/, hitting F9 was useless.
I could compile using F5, but nothing else. So the integration was not complete.

Digging on Internet for some solution, I found a page at
which presents how to install adobe 32-bit on squeeze.

Extending the idea to SciTE, instead of installing it using "apt-get install" command,
I returned to the lenny installation, creating tar files of the 32-bit installation (no necessary compression), getting the following:

vmvd5_usr_bin_scite.tar  (from: /usr/bin/scite)
vmvd5_usr_share_man_man1_scite.1.gz.tar   (from: /usr/share/man/man1/scite.1.gz.tar)
vmvd5_usr_share_scite.tar   (from: /usr/share/scite)

You can check the places of your installation using the command:
whereis scite

After that, returning to squeeze, I've removed the prior 64-bit installation:
sudo apt-get remove scite

sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/scite   (the apt command didn't remove the INSTALL_DIR completly)
sudo rm /usr/bin/scite   

followed by the 32-bit library installation:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk

Then, I deflated the tar files:
tar xvf vmvd5_usr_bin_scite.tar tar xvf vmvd5_usr_share_man_man1_scite.1.gz.tar tar xvf vmvd5_usr_share_scite.tar

copying the content to the respective original places.

Finally, I started the SciTE as usual, editing the and adding the configuration for F9 shortcut (see snippet below).
Restarted the scite, and hit the F9 button...
Yesss, there you are!! Success!

SciTE is a great choice for those looking cross-platform and lightweight editor.
I've been using the 32-bit version since 2009, without any problem.
Have fun!

The SciTE appearance comes different due to the 32-bit gtk library, but the functional result was perfect.

Example - snippet from configuration to test lua integration using F9 shortcut: # Loads Lua script
# alsdias, from: studies/soft/scite/stuff/lua-users wiki_ Using Lua With Scite.htm*=Load Lua
command.11.*=dofile $(FilePath)

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