Saturday, July 20, 2013

Eclipse Maven Import error: An internal error occurred during: Importing Maven projects. Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

After using the command mvn eclipse:eclipse, the project is imported by Eclipse using the "Existing Maven Projects", which throws the error message:
An internal error occurred during: Importing Maven projects. Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

Do not use the "mvn eclipse:eclipse" command.
Do a straight import by Eclipse using the "Existing Maven Projects".
An incompatibility is commented here.

About compatibilities between command line vs. Eclipse's maven plugin, when the "Run Maven Build" option (Shift+Alt+X M) doesn't work properly, use the command line as follows:

cd project_root (where pom.xml is)
mvn install -U

Return to Eclipse and refresh the project (F5 over project).

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