Saturday, May 31, 2014

Eclipse java project and the "The selection did not contain any resources that can run on a server" warn.


When you try to run the project on the server using "Run on Server" (SA+X+R) option, eclipse returns the following message:
  The selection did not contain any resources that can run on a server.


On the navigation panel, click over the project for pop-up menu, properties, Project Facets, check:
- Dynamic Web Module
- Java

eclipse, maven java project.


  1. Thank you, it was very helpfull

  2. Thank You, I wasted my 2 hours to get this solution...

  3. I have the probleme that i couldn't resolve. someone could help

    the selection did not contain any ressource that can run on server

  4. I have the same problem, but when I try to run clicking right in the project folder show me the error "Forbbiden" at the browser, please someone help me


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