Windows 10
Eclipse returns the following error after altering data on preferences (menu, Windows, Preferences):
Store preferences has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during "Store Preferences". The system was not able to find the filepath
Using Eclipse's sonarlint , a rule was removed and it is wished to be restored.
Hibernate fails when the application starts throwing the following messages:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: must be owner of table server 2022-02-16 22:18:43 # [restartedMain] # WARN # o.h.t.s.i.ExceptionHandlerLoggedImpl # method: handleException # GenerationTarget encountered exception accepting command :
Error executing DDL "alter table public.provider
add column provider_details_pk int8" via JDBC Statement
org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL "
alter table public.provider
add column provider_details_pk int8" via JDBC Statement
org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL "
alter table public.server
add column provider_pk int8" via JDBC Statement
The tables were create via terminal using postgres' admin account that it is now allowed to remote access due to security issues.
Drop the tables that have the owner access issue using the terminal and the admin's account, the same used to create them.
Recreate the tables using another account that has remote access priviledges.
Debian 10
PostgreSQL 10
Windows 10
1. Open Git Bash console.
2. Perform the command below to enable read and write;
chmod 776 your local path here/known_hosts
3. Keep the git bash console opened, test running a git command again.
For instance:
git ls-remote
The problem is gone as the figure shows where it points to "solved".
[REF]: faq-Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts
- After the following procedure:
ng new myproject
npm install rxjs
npm audit fix --force
ng serve
- The angular application fails to start returning the following message:
An unhandled exception occurred: require() of ES Module node_modules/@angular/compiler-cli/bundles/index.js
/data/prj/node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/angular_compiler_plugin.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in
/data/prj/node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/angular_compiler_plugin.js to a dynamic
import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
See "/tmp/ng-Fe4Op7/angular-errors.log" for further details.
Avoid using --force argument with "npm audit" with this versions (detailed below under ENV topic) until the bug is fixed.
Use just:
npm audit fix
Windows 10
Angular CLI: 13.1.2
Node: 16.13.1
Package Manager: npm 8.1.2
OS: win32 x64
Attempt to run a mvn command, for instance:
mvn -version
<!--Could not find or load main class ...
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ...-->
Check your envvars (environment variables).
The configuration shall be something like this:
M2_HOME = C:\apache-maven
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m
For some mistake, you may have a misconfiguration. For example:
Windows 10
Angular project fails starting and returns the following error message:
Cannot parse arguments. See below for the reasons.
Argument --ssl could not be parsed using value "true\r".Valid type(s) is: boolean
It happens when a project using Windows encoding is deploy on *nix environment due the carriage return (CR) differences.
Convert the CRs to unix format.
There are many ways of doing that:
1. If using Git, when it is installed, during its install wizard, there are options to set automatically de CR format.
2. Free apps like SciTE, Notepad++, VSCode and etc. have encoding and CR converters.
windows 10
y;faq-Cannot parse arguments. See below for the reasons. Argument --ssl could not be parsed using value "true\r".Valid type(s) is: boolean<memo<angular;.
Attempt to access an Angular project running from a docker fails, returning on the browser "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE".
Add --host argument to the "ng serve" command to start the service.
- before:
ng serve --port 4400 --ssl true
- after:
ng serve --port 4400 --ssl true --host
also tested OK with:
ng serve --port 4400 --ssl true --host=
windows 10
angular 16
y;faq-angular: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE<memo<docker;.
Attempt to map a volume fails retuning:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "-v": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.
docker run -it --name extodo alsdias/express_todo -v C:\data:/home
docker run -it --name extodo -v C:\data:/home alsdias/express_todo
VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible
If using VMWare v.15, upgrade it to v15.5
You need to access the issues from closed sprints.
You have a Angular project using SaSS.
Starting the server, returns the following message:
SassError: Expected newline
Correct the .sass files converting to Sass syntax.
- syntax:
- Example:
Following the instructions in Vue's documentation after issuing the command:
npm run service
returns the following:
Local: "http://[C:]:3000/"
Naturally, this address fails.
Windows 10
Tested with Vue 2 and 3
Cell phones (smartphones) are objects of our daily lives.
If before we could not leave the house without a wallet (money and documents), today we are moving to replace it through the cell phone.
At first, I saw this as a good thing.
Wallet and cell phone are uncomfortable to carry because of their volume and weight.
Women wear purses, maybe they don't mind too much, but men like to use their pockets to avoid having their hands full.
With the possibility of paying bills via cell phone, I almost thought of retiring the old wallet, but I thought again.
There are several points of consideration, however, I will stick to the main ones:
- If someone steals your cell phone, or you lose it?
The cellphone concentrates everything and this increases the chances of deceit.
Despair is greater.
- If the cellphone is "contaminated" by apparently harmless applications that we installed ourselves because they offered something that interested us, and for free (something irresistible for most of us).
These "pseudo-harmless" applications mostly collect information as a form of payment for the so-called free service.
Nothing is free.
Everything needs a livelihood.
When the information collected is not that harmful, we still don't care.
The question is how to measure this?
How can we know the content of the information passed on that was presumable safe to be made public today but will no longer be so tomorrow?
Sometimes the useless information today, under a future context may become something very sensitive.
In the face of all this, I have long been reduced my personal exposure, because accepting this exposure is contributing to the loss of the little freedom that will be left tomorrow, as we get used to via gradual acceptance to, as it was like in the past when the boyfriend went out with a girlfriend accompanied by her younger brother by her parents' imposition. 😊
I didn't catch that time, but I became the younger brother. Terrible for me and for them. 😁
My attention to the subject of security has worsened, resulting in a very serious occurrence with access to my bank account at Itaú (Brazil's bank). Despite accessing the account, bill payments were blocked, which required me to wait from a few hours to a few days to unlock them.
I sometimes resorted to the bank's IT support, but without a solution.
They always returned the same small list of apps that are not compatible with the itaú's bank app and must be uninstalled, otherwise they block any transaction.
There were two solutions: either give up on the bank or solve the problem by digging yourself into the issue.
Since I like Itaú (many years of account), and being an IT professional, I accepted as a challenge to solve the problem because I had time to do so, as I was on vacation.
If in the day-to-day rush, I wouldn't have had time, and I would certainly have transferred all the operations to another bank's account that hasn't this obstacle.
I had already uninstalled all remote cell phone applications that Itaú's IT support had condemned as incompatible with the bank's security terms, but the problem remained.
I had to create a new criterion, different from the support direction so that I wouldn't end up having to uninstall all mobile apps using that mobile option that deletes everything and returns to the original state when you bought it. . 👿
It would be my last option.
ENGLISH VERSION (below after prints)
Aproximadamente 1 ano e meio atrás comprei um Lenovo Yoga.
A máquina sempre teve uma performance no limite do desejável.
No resto, funcionava sem problemas.
Imaginava comprar uma SSD para resolver o problema da lentidão.
Repentinamente, o notebook perdeu a conexão com o Wi-Fi usando cabo.
Verificando o problema, descobri que as portas USB haviam parado de funcionar.
Qualquer tentativa de reparo via disco de recuperação ou imagem, tornou-se inviável sem conexão USB. Notebooks modernos não vêm mais com CD-ROM, que embora algo já em desuso, poderia representar uma medida paliativa.
Acessei o suporte, expliquei o problema.
A resposta foi que não têm mais peças e a fábrica não dá mais assistência.
Aproximadamente 18 meses depois da compra, a minha lata de lixo ficou mais gorda.
Lições aprendidas:
- Lenovo de novo, JAMAIS!
- Produto chinês? Só em último caso.
Lembrando que temos duas boas razões para evitar produtos chineses:
- A política one-way: compre, mas fora da garantia, só a sorte.
- A política expansionista: comprando produtos chineses você transfere dinheiro (recursos) e fortalece um regime político que à medida que se fortalece, está mostrando a que veio (Tibete, Taiwan, etc.)
I purchased a Lenovo Yoga notebook approximately 1.5 years ago.
The machine performed at its minimum desirable limit.
Anyway, it worked without problems, so I imagined buying an SSD to help to solve the performance issue.
Suddenly, the notebook lost the Wi-Fi connection using cable.
Checking the malfunction, I found that the USB ports had stopped working.
Any repair attempt via recovery disk or image became unfeasible without the USB connection. Modern notebooks have no longer CD-ROM, which could be a palliative measure.
Accessing Lenovo's support, I explained the malfunction.
The answer was that they do not have any more replaceable parts and the factory provides no further assistance.
Approximately 18 months after purchase, my trash got fatter.
Lessons Learned:
- Lenovo again, NEVER!
- Chinese product? Only as a last resort.
Remembering that we have two good reasons to avoid Chinese products:
- Unilateral policy: buy, but out of warranty, just luck may help you.
- The expansionist policy: by buying Chinese products, you transfer money (resources) and strengthen a political regime that, as it gets stronger, shows what purposes come for. (Tibet, Taiwan, etc.)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: Unable to resolve path [e.title], unexpected token [e] [select e from br.com.adr.model.entity.security.uni.RoleEntity WHERE e.title = :title]
Original code:
String sql = "select e from " + this.entityName + " WHERE e.title = :title";
Query query = em.createQuery(sql, RoleEntity.class);
query.setParameter("title", title);
Fixing the code:
Missing the 'e' entity alias:
String sql = "select e from " + this.entityName + " e WHERE e.title = :title";
Windows 10
JSF 2.2
WildFly 21
Using JSF, Primefaces and p:growl the messages return duplicated (twice).
Find the p:grow element.
Switch the p:growl attribute from:
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true"/>
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="false"/>
Issue to be fixed - doubled messages when the modal is closed after the deletionTHE CODEfaces-config.xhtml |
The application fails when deployed on the server (Wildfly/jBoss) return the following message:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UT010009: Servlet Faces Servlet of type class javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet does not implement jakarta.servlet.Servlet
Check the following configuration:
- JDK'S version
- Libraries' versions (Maven's dependencies, etc.)
If the configuration seems correct, try to downgrade (or maybe upgrade) the server's version of JBoss or Wildfly.
For instance, from v.23 to v.21 or lower.
The application server's JEE version must be compatible with the project's libraries versions.
Check WildFly's JEE versions on its download page.
JDK 8/11
Wildfly 21
Windows 10
After performing an upgrade using:
apt update
apt upgrade
nginx returns installing issues and fails to start, returning an error message like this:
Aug 04 13:28:47 myserver.com systemd[1]: Failed to start A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server.
dpkg: error processing package nginx-full (--configure):
installed nginx-full package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of nginx:
nginx depends on nginx-full (<< 1.14.2-2+deb10u4.1~) | nginx-light (<< 1.14.2-2+deb10u4.1~) | nginx-extras (<< 1.14.2-2+deb10u4.1~); however:
Package nginx-full is not configured yet.
Package nginx-light is not installed.
Package nginx-extras is not installed.
>PROBLEM Using Eclipse, you try to run a simple logging test using "org.slf4j.Logger" like the sample below: package Test; im...